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Management Directives


Management/Administrative Support (205 - 260)

05/11/2009 ​205.4 - Delegation of Authority to Sign and Delegation to Authorize SAP Payments
09/30/1986205.6 - Defense of Suits Against Commonwealth Employees
12/11/2013​ ​205.9 - Code of Conduct Statement of Financial Interest - Filing
12/11/2013 ​205.10 - Financial Disclosures Required by the Public Official and Employee Ethics Act 
03/27/2014 ​205.12 - Financial Disclosures Required of Former Employees by the Public Official and Employee Ethics Act
11/21/2011205.14 - Prohibition of Activities Not Specifically or Directly Connected with the Official Business of the Commonwealth on Commonwealth Property
12/11/2017205.15 Membership in Associations, Organizations or Societies
09/17/2014205.16 - Compliance with the Whistleblower Law, Act 1986-169, as Amended
04/11/1988 ​205.18 - Ballot Question Advocacy by Executive Branch Employees, Appointees, and Officials
04/08/2013 ​205.21 - Commonwealth Child Care Program
09/19/2014205.22 - Recycling, Waste Reduction and Procurement of Environmentally Preferable Products
07/13/2012205.23 - Submission of Commonwealth Publications to the State Library for Distribution to Other Designated Libraries
10/12/2011205.24 - Display of Flags on Commonwealth Buildings and Grounds
​205.25 Amended - Employment-Related Disability Accommodations
07/22/1992 ​205.26 - The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Title II, Subtitle A, Nondiscrimination in State and Local Government Services
02/11/1999 205.31 Pro Bono Publico Legal Services​
09/12/2014 205.32 - Hiring/Contracting Sign Language Interpreters/Transliterators​
06/16/2014 ​205.33 - Workplace Violence
205.34 Amended - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy
05/02/2011 ​205.35 Amended- Information Reporting From the Commonwealth's Enterprise SAP Business Information Warehouse System
03/18/2010205.36 - Right-to-Know Law Compliance
03/25/2013205.37 - Role Assignment, Security, and Internal Control Maintenance
06/20/2019 ​205.38 - Emergency Evacuation, Safe Assembly and Shelter In-Place
05/15/2012205.40 - Commonwealth Branding
02/16/2011205.41 - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program
02/06/2012205.42 - Social Media
06/25/2014205.43 - Quality Assurance for Business Productivity Tools
​210.01 Amended - Directives Management System
11/18/2002210.4 Central Microfilm Management
10/31/2017210.5 - The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Records Management Program
11/18/2002210.8 - Micrographics Procedures to be Used in Conjunction With Central Microfilm Management
​06/16/1997 210.11 - ​Acceptance of Imaged Documents
12/23/2010 ​210.12 - Electronic Commerce Initiatives and Security
01/14/2015 ​215.8 - Contractor Integrity Provisions for Commonwealth Contracts
215.9 - Contractor Responsibility Program
10/14/2011 ​215.12 - Provisions Concerning The Americans With Disabilities Act
10/12/2011215.13 - Contract Provision for Donation of Excess Prepared Food
​215.16 Amended - Contract Compliance Program
​220.01 - Commonwealth Media Services
11/25/2013220.9 - Publication Services
03/07/2013 ​220.11 - Preservation of Commonwealth Deeds
11/01/2011 ​230.6 - Travel Expenses of Job Applicants
08/06/2010230.7 - Remittance of Witness Fees
​01/01/2020230.10 - Commonwealth Travel Policy
08/18/2008 ​240.7 - Submission of Changes to the Commonwealth Telephone Directory
02/08/2006245.13 Strategic Direction for Information Technology Investments
12/05/2016 ​245.15 - Pennsylvania Statewide Radio Network
03/18/2014 ​245.16 - Pennsylvania Justice Network (JNET) Governance Structure
​245.18 Amended - IT Administrator Acceptable Use, Auditing and Monitoring
08/17/2016245.19 Enterprise Technology Security Council
​250.1 Amended - Notice of Public Meetings
03/02/2017260.1 - Reorganization Requests
260.03 – Gubernatorial Transitions